utter nonsense

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Let's have thoughts....

My new swim workout is awesome and potatoe perogies are very good reheated.

I received a call from a metro Atlanta county that wants to interview me for a planning position which is good but I am concerned:
  • I know little to nothing about planning
  • I would have to commute nearly an hour and a half round trip everyday in a 97 Corolla that is on its 2nd engine and burns oil.
  • I could no longer wear jeans to work
  • I could no longer swim on my lunch break

I am excited about the new job prospect:

  • It pays a bit better which means I could potentially replace the 97 Corolla with its second engine with this
  • I could buy lots of new clothes to supplement the collegiate wardrobe I am able to wear in my current position
  • The boy is thinking about grad school in Atlanta and there has been talk about moving if I get a job in the metro area. This could be that job and the boy could become a professor.
  • I wouldn't have to finish the infernal atlas that I am currently writing and I hate
  • I would get to make lots and lots-o-maps.

I have begun a little photo project that will cover the topic of old beaters (late 70's or early 80's vintage) on huge shiny rims. I have my first photo but you will just have to wait to see it. There may be a triptych.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Big Night is hands down the best movie I have ever seen. I know that is an enormous statement but I support it 100%. It's funny and sad and touching and wonderfully shot. It has an amazing sound track and because of that movie Stanley Tucci is in my top 10 favorite actors ever. I have owned the movie for several years and I can watch it over and over again. I just heard someone mention the film on NPR and it compelled me to post this statement. Therefore, I hereby solemnly swear that Big Night is my favorite movie. I like it even more than Close Encounters of the Third Kind and have waivered between the two for may years now. The conflict is now settled. Big Night is my favorite movie! Say it with me now.... Big Night is my favorite movie! One more time....Big Night is my favorite movie.

It feels good to get that off my chest.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hello Aliens! Love Always, Pioneer 11........

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Equinox Resolutions....

- less wine
- less bad television
- more sleep
- more studying
- perfect a fake New York accent
- be nicer
- go to the grocery store with the boy when he asks no matter if I have put on evening lounge wear or not
- lay off the talk radio
- be comfortable having very short hair and ignore when random people call me "sir"
- stop getting so annoyed when my mom calls to talk about absolutely nothing
- stop shopping for shoes while at work
- find a new job

Friday, March 16, 2007


Is a dental hygenist qualified to comment on the health of my tonsils?

It's spring break here. I think that should be declared a national holiday. It's not that I want to hit the beach in Panama City or anything but I think we could all use a break.

I am the current owner of the world's smallest pony tail. Operation grow-the-hair-out-only-to-cut-it-all-off is in full force and I can't say I am happy about it.

I have had a good number of friends move out of town over the past few years and I miss them. What they say about it becoming more difficult to make friends as you get older is true. The problem is that I am in my early thirties but i am already set in my ways like a grumpy old man. If I have said it once I have said it a million times...I am not for everyone. It would be nice to meet some new folks though. That sounds pathetic. No more Red House Painters sad bastard music.

I am currently obsessed with This American Life. If you haven't listened to it may I suggest their free podcasts or the archives on their website.

I think in a past life I was a fireperson.

In my next life I want to be a landscape architect.

Friday, March 09, 2007


I have been on a hiatus. It sort of feels like a hiatus from life really. It has been go go go and for the first time in a very long time I have felt overwhelmed. That isn't a common feeling for me. I tend to soar in the face of stress. I'd like to blame it on age. I'd like to blame it on a lack of sleep. I'd like to blame it on a million things but really it has just been a case of good old laziness. I have gotten behind at work, at working out, at cleaning the house. The tides seem to be changing and I am finally feeling motivated again. Looming deadlines can have that affect I suppose. Not just work deadlines either. The boy and I are going to have to figure out a house buying situation in the next few months before our lease is up but at the same time he and I are applying for jobs all over the country (p.s. if anyone needs an overqualified GIS technician...call me!). The funding for my job comes to an end this time next year which, for me, means it will be over tomorrow. Triathlon season is around the corner and I haven't swam in two months. All that being said....life has been pretty damn good just a little stressful. To make a long story short....

Let the blogging recommence! All of you suckers will be subject to random thoughts and incoherent babble for months to come. GET INTO IT!