utter nonsense

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Ok. So I normally avoid the whole game day thing like the plague. It's overwhelming and, at times, very obnoxious. That being said...I watched the game this past weekend and it was fun. It was exciting. The blackout was awesome to see and the players had a really good time which made it a blast to watch.

I may have been converted last weekend. I am even thinking I might want to go to a game next year...baby steps.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pissed of at Jimmy Dean

600 pounds of men.....

Friday, November 02, 2007

K: That's awesome and boy does he look excited

M: too bad the other picture didn't come out-- Cathy had him in an arm-bar, and Griffin was all "dude, i'm injured," and Cathy was all like "you're gonna get a war! i'm gonna punish you with devastating elbows!"

K: i heard Matt Sera was behind one of the kids clothes racks yelling "Keep your hands up Cathy! Keep your hands up! Elbows! Elbows! Now Finish him! Finish him!"