utter nonsense

Friday, October 28, 2005

Mass pumpkin carnage.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thank you , my dear friend in American Cheese who shall remain nameless so she can not be found guilty by association with my demented sense of what's right and funny, for sending me this today Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 21, 2005

Following in a Grand Tradition...

Following in the footsteps of L.O.L, I am thinking about terminating the old blog. I have lost my creativity for it and it is growing tiresome to post about my smelly feet and TP girl. Maybe I am just feeling sorry for myself. Actually, that's highly possible but I am spread so thin right now I don't seem to have any witty banter or funny quips to share anymore. My days normally go as followed: stumble out the door to work...work....lunch break or gym or class....work....home...eat...pet animals....homework or TV....sleep...repeat Monday thru Friday. Now, if you would like to continue reading about this sort of lifestyle you just let me know but I can't promise more discussion about rent-a-clowns or Australia....Island or Continent?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Dontcha Just Hate It...

Don't you just hate when you think you look really cute and your fairly confident other people think you look cute but then you are sitting at your desk with your flat barely hanging off your big toe and you get a whiff. You get a whiff of what you think death may smell like. It's hard to feel cute after that. Swamp foot just isn't that cute.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Drum Roll Please...

Ladies and Gentleman. I recieved the midterm from hell back and I received....drum roll please... a 97. Woo Whooo!

I skipped camp this weekend to work on a project for my class. It is not finished and the prof extended the due date to Wendesday. Now if the sun of a gun had told me that on Friday I would now be the proud owner of a hanky with "Shitbag" embroidered on it. But alas, he waited until today to let us know that we were off the hook.

Life is boring for me right now. I have few adventures and little social life. What that means for you....bland reading. In the mean time you can make yourself dizzy with this.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Midterm Hangover....

I just took a midterm. This is the first exam I have taken in almost three years. Now my brain hurts. Worst of all, now I have to finish my day at work. I thought after midterms it was your god given right to blow off the day and hit happy hour? I'll tell you one thing. Taking a class this semester (Cartographic visualization) was the birth control I needed to strike the potential Ph.D right out of my mind. I don't like to study. I don't like to have to read 600 pages about maps in the private versus the public sector or the standardization of map symbology. Guess what....don't really give a shit. I like making maps. I'll let you analyze them. Now I get to work on the GIGANTIC project our professor assigned on MONDAY the week of our midterm that is due next MONDAY. You know what this means campers, you'll be without me at KAD this fall. Please embroider obscenities about my professor on a hanky for me.

Monday, October 10, 2005

I Found that Essence Rare...

I went and saw Gang of Four on Friday night. I must say that it was one of my favoritie shows I have ever been to in Athens. It comes in second only to Iggy Pop. It was an older crowd that was totally into the music and that was refreshing. The night was spent with my old pal Shmegs and her boyfriend whom I don't get to hang out with very often. Following the show we grabbed the boy from a local drinking establishment, ate pizza, and went home. I spent the bulk of Satruday with a mind numbing headache that I can only assume was alcohol induced. See, I don't handle the sauce very well and two or three vodka tonics over the course of the evening will normally leave me as shit in a can the following day. I watched bad movies and dozed in and out. I did manage to get out mid afternoon and take the pooch for a huge walk. I slept it off Saturday night and was greatful to wake up Sunday morning feeling normal again. This coming weekend....Camp KAD.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It finally happened....

I showed up to work today with my fly down. Awesome. This was after I went downtown to get coffee and go to the bank. Then I proceeded to walk the hallowed halls of Forestry for approximately an hour before I noticed. Awesome.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Fuck You Computer...

Excellent post just lost to the bogoshpere. I am not sure if I have it in me to rewrite this weekend's escapades.

Here's a brief recap:

Hard as hell 5k

Nicknames-- terd with legs



80 bucks

hung over


That about covers it. The only thing you're missing are my typos and witty commentary. I am pretty sure you'll survive.