utter nonsense

Thursday, May 26, 2005

A Day Late and Many Dollars Short...

I don't have much to report these days; therefore, I haven't been posting. I have been super busy at work and I am realizing more and more that I don't know much about GIS. I am learning though and with that comes stress. I had two student workers start this past week and they have a ton of questions which is fine I just can't always (hardly ever) answer them. See, they don't seem to understand that I am learning too. On top of everything, I made a big boo-boo on an invitation to a workshop I sent out and I feel like a big shmuck because of it. It's not like I wrote "so and so is an asshole" or anything like that I think I just possibly made academics look stupid to other academics. It was a rookie mistake but I have been worrying about it all week. Needlesstosay, I can't wait for the three day weekend not to mention I am ready to be able to wear the white skirt I bought last year.

Besides fucking up at work and feeling totally over my head, I bought a new road bike. I am very excited about it mostly because I got the most outrageous deal on it which is good since I couldn't afford it to begin with. Also, the boy and I discovered a rather large wart on the side of the dogs face. After taking the pooch to the vet, he suggested using this to eradicate the problem. Now the boy and I are anxiously awaiting the wart to fall off. I just hope one of the cats doesn't eat it. More than that, I hope I don't wake up with it on my lap.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Government, Evolution, and Crazy Ass Doctors...

I don't exactly hide my views and beliefs (or lack thereof) on organized religion. I heard this on NPR this afternoon and I thought I would share. And if you'd like to read on about Dr. INSANE check out his website.


Curiosity took hold last night and I ended up watching the new UPN reality TV debacle, Britney and Kevin. It made me feel yucky and yes, Kevin Federline does look like the date rapist on an ABC After School Special

Top 5 Favorite Actors: A Tribute to High Fidelity
John Cusack
Phillip Seymour Hoffamn
That guy from The Professional
Willem Defoe (BTW I highly recommend the episode of Fishing With John he
is in...Hysterical!)
Johnny Depp

I have a glass of wine almost every night with dinner and then beat myself up the next day for being an alcoholic.

The boy is out of town right now and while I miss him and am eager for him to come home, I am experiencing this new surge of independence. Not in the I am going to go out and flirt with boys kind of way but more in the I can go to the grocery store and buy what ever the hell I want kind of way.

I worry sometimes that when I get older I will have hyperactive bladder.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

I Try...

I ran a triathlon yesterday. It was fun but now I am hobbling around like a 80 year old woman. It's a good sore but I am beat. Now I am at home recovering and watching Animal Cops. They just rescued a dog that had been thrown in a sewer by some shithead neighborhood kids. Did I mention that it was winter time in Detriot and that the dog almost had hypothermia. While the show is upsetting and depressing I like watching it because it ends up with a happy ending most of the time. See, my pup ran away from an abusive situation where her owners beat her and were most likely starting to prepare her to fight. She made a break for it and ended up in the pound where we adopted her. I highly recommend a pound pooch. Their the best and always very greatful.

I can barely keep my eyes open. Time to stuff my face and pass out. Catcha later.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dear Toilet Paper on the Seat Girl...

I am totally confused about your committment to hygiene. How can someone who compulsively lines the rim of the john not wash their hands when they are done. If we could just clear up all of this confusion I will let it go. Promise!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Dear Sweet Friend Who Had the Moroccan Birthday Party Last Night,

Thank you so much for all of the free wine and champagne myself and the boy could drink (mostly the boy). Thank you for all the hummus, cucumber, and pita I could eat. Thanks for the olive burps I keep having today. Thank you for the over-the-top- Moroccan tent complete with floor cushions, pink, teal, and red lame. Thanks for keeping me out late so I am super tired today but strangely productive. Your the best!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Dear Rocker Grad Student Down the Hall From me Who Shares His Office with the Girl that Leaves the Toilet Paper on the Seat After She is Finished Doing Her Business,

Would it be possible for you to mention to T.P girl that leaving toilet paper on the rim of the seat that she just used is completely and totally disgusting. The fact that I have a run in with the used toilet paper EVERY DAY is just making it worse. If you are not comfortable discussing this with her would you please allow me to pile toilet paper on her office chair and potentially cover the entire office? Thanks!

BTW, you have some of the best footware I have ever scene.

I'd Love You More if You Would Just Sweat to the Oldies With Me....

Richard Simmons Rules!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Enough with the Alicia Keyes (hehe)....

This just popped up in the midst of my work related google search:

"Pepe Pecas. Pepe Pecas pica papas. Pica papas con un pico. Con un pico,con un pico, ... California Commission on Teacher Credentialing"