utter nonsense

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I was watching the Weather Channel this morning before work. They cut to an additional Weather Channel anchor person who had the following job title: Business Travel Analyst. That is a made up position if I have ever heard one. All the women does is tell you which city airports will experience delays. Does that really justify calling her an "analyst?" Shit, I can call Delta and find out if my flight from JFK to Hartsfield is delayed. From here on out, I want to be addressed as Betagirl, Business Travel Analyst.

My cat broke one of his canine teeth in half at some point this week.

The women at the snack shack near my office keeps encouraging me to buy fruit when I go in there. Normally, I walk out with a water or gatorade and a power bar. Occasionally, I will buy some chips or pretzels. Considering the plethora of crap offered at the university snack shack I think I do pretty well. At first, I thought she was just being a savvy sales person but then I noticed she wasn't forcing fruit down any other patrons' throats. What gives snack shack lady?

Monday was the boy's birthday. We did little to celebrate because the boy isn't too into making a big deal about his special day. We went out to eat and grabbed a drink and were home by 9:30 pm. We did have a party for him and L.O.L at the beginning of the month that was successful in all regards but I like to make a bigger deal out of birthdays than that. I dropped the ball on this one though. I didn't even leave him a card when I went to work that morning. I didn't even manage to order his birthday present until Friday so he had nothing to open on Monday. I accept the crappy girlfriend award and hope not to receive it for future birthdays.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Red, White and DUUUHHHHHH...

If you ever doubted that the American public had a grasp on foreign affairs or geography this should clear things up for you.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I had to fight an incredible urge to chuck a chunk of pizza crust out the window on my way home from work. I wasn't neccessarily going to aim at anything but just really wanted to hurl it out the window.

My office mate made the following comment yesterday and I just can't seem to let it go. The situation setup: standing in one of my bosses office with three other porfessors, myself (the only women), adn my office mate. We were discussing our upcoming trip to Utah. In particular, we were chating it up about what we would do in Park City the day before our meetings start. The comment: "We can go play golf all afternoon and Krista (that's me) can be our beer girl!" Offensive...I think so. You be the judge.

The aforementioned comment has made me question myself a bit which I haven't done in a while. Is it always going to be that way? Am I always going to have to battle to be taken seriously? Or can I just chalk it up to my office mate just being a dick?

Holy Crap! Mars!

Google recently put up an amazing website with imagery from the Mars rover. Check it out here. Go ahead. Check it out. It's worth it. DO IT NOW!

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Most Beautiful...

I haven't posted much lately and for that I apologize. For the time being you will have to get by watching the most beautiful commercial in the world. Believe me, this is stunning.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ron Suxsmith...

What does one do when a sweet friend of theirs says "hey, you should check out this musician!" and the sed musician makes one want to jam pencils in one's ears every time one of his tracks shuffles into your iTunes. Does one tell the sweet friend that went to all of the trouble of not just sending you 1 track but 3 FULL ALBUMS of this garbage that one hates (yes, I am using the word hate) all 3 of the albums? I should have known when the discussion of sed musician was started with "Have you heard of Ron Sexsmith?" I thought at first it was going to be some off color story about some 70's porn star that would give me a giggle. The conversation continued with "CNN rated this guy one of the most underrated singer songwriters of 2005." Right there! Right there is when I should have nipped it in the bud. I should have stopped the sweet friend dead in his tracks and made some musically elitist comment like "well, if CNN said it...NO THANKS!" But, I didn't and now I have to delete (let me repeat) not 1 track but 3 FULL ALBUMS from my iTunes and try to candy coat my hatred of sed musician's album when the sweet friend asks me what I think. To be honest, I am not sure I can do it. If you want the honest to god truth, I am a bit offended that my sweet friend would subject me to such drivel. Sweet friend, I love you but let us never swap music again.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Haps.....

Not much happening these days but I will share anyway.

I am currently obsessed with podcasts and not only the Ricky Gervais Show. I am a current subscriber to the following: Wait! Wait! Don't tell Me!, Science Friday, Scientific America, NPR Environment, Naked Science, NPR Health and Science. GEEK OUT!

Today, I accidentally microwaved my strawberries instead of my soup. It smelled disgusting and melted the tupperware container that has raised a flag of concern for me. What possibly is in those strawberries that forced my tupperware into a melted state?

The couch the boy ordered about a month and a half ago will be delivered on Monday. Woo Whoo! We no longer have to jam two 6 foot plus tall people onto a crappy sofa that has a vauge smell of cat puke. Woo Whoo!

Yesterday, the boy sent me this and this. They are funny. Watch them!