utter nonsense

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Way to Go Floyd...

Well, in the grand tradition of this year's Tour de France, Floyd Landis (this year's winner) has been caught doping. Leave it to a formerly amish soft spoken Californian to ruin the experience of this year's Tour for everyone involved as well as the fans who watched it. His spectacular recovery on stage 17 after completely cracking on the Alps the previous day doesn't mean anything now. What started out as a Wide-World-of-Sports-thrill-of-victory-and-agony-of-defeat-episode will now be riddled with scandal. The worst part of it all is after all is said and done he will get a slap on the wrist and a suspention from professional races for only two years and then he will be back. Even in Phonak fires him he will get picked up by someone else (cough cough...Discovery). You may say, "Hey Betagirl, take it easy. It was just elevated levels of testosterone." And then I would have to say "Please! Performance enhancing is performance enhancing any way you look at it. If I were to have increased levels of testosterone I would put on 80 pounds and grow a mustache but this guy becomes one of the greatest cyclists in the world. No Fair!"

Is it me or are the restrictions on doping in sports too lax? Hell, baseball has been ignoring it for years now. I am not sure why I expected anything more from the world of professional cycling.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

If you Need Another One

Zach Vs. Survivor Asshole

Monday, July 24, 2006

Spring Break 2006....

The boy and I are going on vacation next week and this time it is a real vacation. We are not going somewhere so I can run a race. We are not trying to move across country on one of my whims. We are going on a bonafied vacation. Next Monday, we fly to Cancun, Mexico. This will be our first excursion on an all-inclusive vacation package. We spent many hours querying friends about this all-inclusive thing and we decided to go for it. We figure if it sucks we can just spend four nights drinking at the beach and ignore all of the old people and evening entertainment options. Really, neither of us care. All we need is,preferably, the ocean and a beach but at this point I would settle for a pool and a fruity drink with an umbrella in it. I wouldn't mind a market either so I can refresh my Spanish haggling skills. Wish us luck.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

YES!...I just learned how to post videos!

Zach Galifianakis

Crush II

Zach Galifianakis -

Crush I

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

That Blunder is Making me Feel Funny Inside...

I do not profess to be an expert in all things political or governmental. This morning I am trying to catch up with the whole Isreal Hezbollah thing and figure out the chess game as it were. I did hear on NPR yesterday morning on my way into work the live mike snafu between Bush and Blair. While everyone is spinning it in all directions trying to make each of the trained monkeys look bad I felt that it was insightful and a bit suprising. That was the most presidential our fair (retarded) leader has ever sounded. His whole good old boy persona actaully seemed legitimate and real not some fabricated bullshit the white house has created to make people like him. For one brief moment, I had a small sliver of respect for the president. I am not saying I agree or disagree with what he said or anything he does, really, but for one brief minute I believed that he was presidential. I am sitting at my desk in a state of shock and awe. You can check it out and judge for yourself. Right now I am going to have to figure out a way to cleanse this yucky feeling.

Bush and Blair chit chat during G8 luncheon

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I had promised myself this month to not access and purchase music from the iTunes music store. I spend anywhere between 50 and 100 bucks a month at that damn thing and I am really trying to curtail it. Today, I fell off the wagon but for only 6 bucks. I feel guilty about it already and the download isn't even complete.

Listening to: Colour Revolt

Friday, July 07, 2006


I am cutting all my hair off this afternoon.