utter nonsense

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Go get it! Go get it from iTunes NOW!!!.....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I don't like when people say "It is what it is." Maybe it's not.

I am currently playing a hurry up and wait game with my job. I went to Washington, DC. last Friday and thought that it would solidify whether or not my project would have funding (i.e. keep my job) but that wasn't the case. Fun!

To Ph.D or not to Ph.D? That is becoming a monumental question. This decision would be easy if it only affected my life but it doesn't. It affects the boys too. Our life style would have to change and rather drastically and I am seriously hating having to ask him to do that. Plus, there would be no way I could talk him into a puppy if I went full time grad student again.

When the Pope goes on his lake side castle vacations, what do you think he wears?

I have had dreams all week about getting a flat tire on my bike during a race and having no way to fix it. This would make sense to me if I had a race coming up but I had a race last weekend. Just don't get it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Adios Mexico!....

The boy and are were in Mexico last week and had a lovely time. We are now back and are both struggling to get back in the swing of things. Instead of my usual ramble I will just share a few thoughts and or observations and or updates.

- Goldfish crackers and coffee are both awesome on their own. I worn you now. Do not combine the two! If you thought toothpaste and orange juice were bad this will put that to shame.

- My cat is currently coming out of a k-hole following a tooth extraction. He and I are now snaggled tooth twins. Finally, a partner in dental work shame.

- I am tired of the heat and have officially decided to pretend that it is fall out. This could potentially lead to wardrobe decisions that will end in a big old sweaty mess and I just don't care.

- I ran a triathlon a couple weekends ago in an all female team. We came in first.
Yes, I am bragging.