utter nonsense

Friday, July 30, 2004

Funny Smells......

The new lab I work in now has a funny smell. Being that it is a chemistry lab, I am actually concerned of things like asphyxiation, death, carcinogens. Valid concerns I think. Any how, it makes work interesting.

The rather large and tacky mullett I have now has reached epic proportions. All in the name of growing out my hair. I can not endure it much longer and am tired of rocking the pony tell. My full time hair cutter and I have broken up and now I am on the hunt for a new hair cutter. Which is a bit of a concern. It's hard to approach a new person with a mullet. SO much potential embarrassment could ensue. I am going to always be known to the new person as the girl who came in with the mullett.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Patsy Cline's Decline.....

My Patsy Cline's Greatest Hits CD began to skip today and that blows.  She's the greatest but her voice was not made to sound scratchin' style.  I'd like to point out that she was not on the Breakin' 2:  Electric Boogallo soundtrack for a reason.  If you would like to buy me a new copy of an old classic that would be much obliged.

Yesterday, I was getting off the bus and cracked my head on the top of the door.  In the process, I also broke the top of my glasses frame.  Funny thing is that the frames didn't break when they flew off my head and across the street onto the concrete upon impact with the door well.  Nope.  They were perched on my head when I cracked it on the doorway upon exiting the bus.  That's what broke em'. (For future reference, electrical tape holds broken glasses frames together quite well).  Shortly after this (and by shortly, I mean like five minutes), I fell up the stairs going into my old lab and landed flat on my face.  If you would like to buy me some new frames that would be fab.

Last night I received a text from a dear sweet friend asking me what time I would be convening at the neighborhood bar.  I politely replied asking "what's happening there?".  I thought to my self... that crazy girl. Our friends are not DJing there until tomorrow night.  I have to work tomorrow morning.  I am in my jammies and I am not moving.  Turns out a rather large get together for the birthdays of my dear sweet friend, another friend, and myself was planned and no one bothered to tell me.   I wasn't invited to my own birthday party.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

potentially the most boring.....

I am constantly complaining about work and today is no different.  I know I do it and I think in some bizarre way I sort of enjoy doing it.  That being said...I may, potentially, be the most bored I have ever been at work to date.  I have been staring at an excel spread sheet copying and pasting from a text file.  Can you envision it?  This is just the highlight of an already less than stimulating week of work (yes, I know it is only Tuesday.  It is Tuesday, right?).  That began yesterday in a 6x6 room with no windows weighing 37mm filters to the 1000th of a milligram for four hours.  This "riveting" science I am a part of is no where near what it is cracked up to be. 

I have left the spreadsheet behind for the day and have now been searching aimlessly through the internet.  I have found not much of interest and have little to nothing to report on the worlds goings on.  You say "that's sad!" and I totally agree.  The only excuse I have is that the daily goings on of my typical work day have numbed my brain beyond repair.   I did, however, hear a hysterical interview with Patton Oswalt yesterday on NPR.  I suggest a listen. 

Friday, July 23, 2004


Thursday, July 22, 2004

Ponderings and Daily Musings...

I caught myself watching not only Nick and Jessica's Newlyweds on MTV but Jessica's little sister's (Ashlee) show last night.  That's bad!  I need a hobby.  Any suggestions?

I ordered a new pair of shoes yesterday that I am terribly excited about.  Am I too old for them, though?  I worry they are way to hipster for me and that I can't pull them off.  Right after that thought, I realize that I don't give a shit and I'll wear em' anyway and make fun of anyone who gets them after I do for "being a poser."  Pretty bad, huh?

I have been thinking about Friday afternoon Happy Hour since Tuesday.



Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A whole new lab
I have recently been moved to a new lab on campus.  With that comes my own parking spot for the bargain price of $10 a month.  In addition, comes a new bus route I am very unfamiliar with.  For some reason, I am stressing out about using said bus route for the first time today...Actually in 10 minutes. You may be saying to your self.  You seem like a reasonably intelligent person.  How challenging can a bus route be?  This is true but you are not the one who was directed by an upper classmen to the wrong bus route as a freshmen and ended up on the way wrong side of campus and town for that matter.  So cut me some slack!  I am a little gun shy! Wish me luck.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

One word.....dogster.  That's my dog by the way.  This is too much and I have been giggling about it for apporximately 10 to 20 minutes.  Now, I think most people are obssessed with their pets and love them like children.  Does this cross over into obsession?  It's definitly close but I love it.  By the way, Beta was a pound rescue, she is tons of fun, a gigantic pain in the butt, and the best dog ever!!!!  I highly recommend dog ownership to you all.

On another note.....
The following is a list of possibly the best song titles ever created by one band for one album.  Take a look:
1. Thanks for the Killer Game of Crisco® Twister
2. Monkey!!! Knife!!! Fight!!!
3. Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse
4. Hey, Wanna Throw Up?
5. Get Me Naked 2: Electric Boogaloo
6. We Are Not a Football Team
7. You Kill Bugs Good, Man
8. Spritz!! Spritz!!! 
9. Women We Haven't Met Yet 
10. Damn Bugs Whacked Him, Johnny 
11. I Lost All My Money at the Cock Fights 
12. Andy Wolff   
13. Let's Play Guitar in a Five Guitar Band 
14. Booyah Achieved
Minus the Bear---Highly Refined Pirates

Monday, July 19, 2004

I made dinner for a very small group of friends last night.  This is a novelty for several reasons...1)  I normally hate to cook but I can't stress what a life changing experience going to Peru was.  Now, I enjoy cooking spicy peruvian foods.  Stranger yet, I will even eat leftovers now which is more bizarre than the fact that I have been cooking. 2)  the boy and I don't regularly have people over.  I can probably count on two hands the number of times we have had people other than ourselves or the people we rent from in our house.  We are not recluses or anything like that we just live in a relatively small two bedroom flat with two cats and a medium sized dog.  This does not make for a super conducive environment for get togethers.  "Sorry, my cat just licked your ice cream.  Is that a problem?" or "Oops, the dog just stole your purse and chewed on it for a few hours.  You didn't really like that purse, did ya?"  3)  Have I metioned that I hate to cook and I hate spicy food.  SO why all of the sudden do I eat and cook spicy food?????  Peru, the best therapy ever.
A recent work development........
The ivy leagurer has just recently offered me a Ph.D program on a silver platter....a fully funded Ph.D with unlimited potential and tons of connections.
Do I take it?
Could I work under him for the next four to five years?
Am I really interested in toxicology or epidemiology?
UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH, school stress.....can I handle it again?
Do I care that three year olds are working in brick factories in South America and decreasing their life expectancy each day due to the fact that they breath in the emissions from burning recycled automobile oil and tires?   Yep!  That's the problem.  I do care and that's why I would do a Ph.D.

Friday, July 16, 2004

What is fantasy football and why do people play it?
Why do I refuse to spell check anything (emails, blogs, etc.) and then spend time trying to save face and pretend like I am not a total dumbass (see all previous blog entries for examples)?  It would be much easier to just spell check and avoid this headache.
Why is having an actual desk at work such a career milestone?
What is my dog dreaming about when she has nightmares?
Who started/ thought up happy hour and why do I enjoy it so much?
What exactly constitutes adult attention deficit disorder and do I have it?

Thursday, July 15, 2004

I spent a good solid month trying to get my stomach adjusted to peruvian cuisine and i tell you what...it wasn't easy and i am not sure it ever was adjusted. I tried to have a glass of wine to kill any bacteria and steered clear of any local water that had not been scolded by heat (two words: amebic disentery). After several weeks I was conditioned and eatiing in Peru became a pleasure. Upon my return to the states I am having to recondition my stomach again to overprocessed disgusting american food. Why is it that food manufacturers insist on using very strange additives to give food a very unnatural color? Does mac and cheese seem more appetizing now that it is the color of a crayon? Anyway, the stomach no likie!! I fuigure after all this I will be able to eat scortching hot salsa and drink as much orange juice as I want. Stomach of steel!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

SO I came back from Peru with this "I am stoked on life and don't give a shit if you think I look bad in a bathing suit" kind of attitude. It's good. I am normally the posterchild for body dismorphia and not just in a bathing suit but just in general. I would say it is my largest personality flaw. Well, I no longer give a rats ass about what people think of...my clothes, my ass, my scar on my lip, my tattoos, my big feet, my height, etc. It has gone so far that when I ran this morning I ran in a belly exposing short tank top over the ol' sports bra and actually thought "hell yea!" not oh dear god where am I gigglin'. If you know me you know how rediculous this really is and that someone should kick my ass for thinking this. I suggest a month and a half in a developing world country to anyone who needs a redefined perspective on life. It rules that non of that is important to me anymore. Quite a monkey off the perverbial back! I can't even imagine how stoked the boy must be to have gone an entire week and a half and not have to answer this question: "Am I getting fat?" Everyone should do themselves a favor and never ask their loved ones to answer such a question (especially boyfriends...they can't handle that kind of pressure).

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Nope not ready to jump back to blogging. I think i am still in a bit of culture shock after my return from Peru and the developing world. This is a computer right? Where am I? Why can't I understand English very well anymore?

No seriously though. I am awaiting the arrival of a laptop at my house that the boy and I will inevitably battle for the use of even though it will mainly be mine (right?) since my computer sucks. And when that little flat sucker shows up...watch out....bloggin' fool. Can you handle it?

In the meantime...check out this kick ass mountain I attempted to climb while in Peru....I rule. More not so infared pictures to come later!