utter nonsense

Thursday, May 31, 2007


If I were forced to take a position in the military I would want to be a pilot because then I would get to wear flight suits all of the time which are basically like adult sized footie pajamas without the footie part.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I hope the state of Virginia makes the biggest example out of Michael Vick. I don't believe that he had no idea what was going on at his house in Virginia. I don't believe that he doesn't fund a gigantic dog fighting organization. I don't think for a minute that the fact that he grew up in the country with an "it's just a dog" mentality condones that fact that he had a huge dog fighting operation in his backyard. I do, however, think his old pal Clinton Portis is a dumbass for making comments about Vick saying if he is imprisoned he will be "in jail for no reason." Now nearly 60 dogs will be euthanized due to this irresponsible action and it seriously pisses me off and depresses me. There is a reason why animal cruelty is a federal offense in all but two states and I hope they throw the book at Vick.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Not the Cold Play kind but the actual good clocks.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Thursday, May 24, 2007


Please! Somebody! Suggets some new music to me that a) doesn't suck b) isn't new punk nonsense c) doesn't sound like Joy Division (that is absolutely no slam on Joy Division just a slam of all recent bands trying to copy Joy Division...ie. Interpol) d) isn't whiney e) isn't alt. country b.s (ie. Wilco). Give me something good. I need it.

On a related note, if you have not checked out Patton Oswalt's latest, Werewolves and Lollipops, it is hysterical and I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The boy has gone and constructed himself a cute little blog. If you are down with random seven inches from an assortment of punk-hardcore-post punk-yadayada you will love it. He is archiving music that is out of print and making it downloadable. That is until someone gets in a snit and makes him take it down. You can check it out at www.provenhollow.blogspot.com. Isn't he cute. I will link it on the side to if you ever feel the need.


One of my favorite bands called it quits today. For all of you that never listened to Aereogramme you have really been missing out. I am both bummed and pissed. I am bummed that they will not release anymore albums and pissed that every no talent ass clown has a mediocre band right now that get tons of press and money even though they completely suck while a really great band can no longer financially afford to put out their own albums and fund their own tours. I don't normally gush over bands. I never try and talk to them after a show but I did with them. I accosted their drummer at their merch table several years ago and went on and on and on about how great I thought they were. i was one of maybe five people there to see them and it currently ranks in the top five live performances I have ever seen. I am not sure the drummer knew what to do with my enthusiasm because he just sort of sat there staring at me. The boy later tried to make me feel better telling me that they aren't used to girls talking to them but I still think he thought I was a nut job. Nevertheless, I love the band. Have I mentioned I love the band? Have I spent an entire post going on and on about a band? Oh well, better that than talking about my hair or some impending life crisis.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007


I am pretty sure that Alberto Gonzalez "doesn't recall" anything.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I think I would like to live to be 110.

I currently am sitting in the world's most uncomfortable office chair ever created.

I want the boy or I to find a new job ASAP so I can quit fake working on this atlas I have been fake working on for two months. I hate it and I can not make myself work on it.

There is a new hair cut in town and I have to say that I am not sold.

Currently, I can not eat enough yogurt and veggie fajitas. I do not eat them together but I would say they are eaten on the same day in a very regular basis.

I think I want to start gardening.

I may start making myself not wear flip flops to work.

Why is it when you carry a banana with your lunch all of your lunch has a faint taste of banana?

"Invisible baby named 10hrs of sleep a night" ....Patton Oswalt

Monday, May 07, 2007


For the first time ever I watched the Kentucky Derby and I have to say it was pretty exciting. My in-lawed family and I placed bets and I think that that was what made it exciting. My horse was Imawildandcrazyguy who ran dead last until the last leg and finished fourth. It was good and exciting and I think I like to gamble.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I just googled arm muscles and this is what showed up.
