
I may get cyber-stoned to death for this one but I am unsure of the quality of the new iMac the boy bought me. While it looks pretty and has tons of cool / fun stuff on it, I am not convinced that it is my dream machine. I want to love it like a five year old loves a big wheel but it hasn't given me much reason to, yet. The other day I was working on it and went to restart it. When it began to boot up the screen went a ghostly white and the hard drive did nothing. I turned it off and tried again. I turned it off again and tried again. I looked to the boy in despair and he took over. After a half an hour on the phone with Apple support, it was determined that my two week old iMac was "broken." Needless to say, this did not instill much confidence in me. The boys tattooing Atlanta trip turned into an early morning jaunt to the Apple store where he and the customer service person joked that now that the computer was there it would most likely start right up. The two week old iMac started right up. Apparently, the computer didn't want to synch up to my iPod. Once the iPod was unplugged, the computer decided to work. So now I have an Apple computer that may or may not want to hang with my Apple iPod. I am bothered by this for several reasons:
1. The iMac and the iPod are made by the same company, right? You would think they could work their differences out.
2. If it came down to it, I would chose my iPod over my iMac any day. It loves my Dell workstation the office and the two of them could continue on marital bliss.
3. Honestly, I don't know the first thing about Macs so when this sucker crashes it sends me into a tizzy. I don't know how to trouble shoot it. Half the time I don't know where my files are stored. For all it's bells and whistle I need it for email, internet, occasional word processing, and photo storage. That's it! Plus, Apple online support is a joke. You have to wade through ten pages of comment crap before you find anything useful.
The boy has reassured me that these troubles are fleeting and I have reassured him that if there is one more glitch we will be getting his money back and buying a PC. I noticed last night he has a new nervous tick.
Listening to: Mastadon
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