utter nonsense

Monday, November 22, 2004

Weekend Update (without the wit of Dennis Miller and the Humor of Kevin Nealin)....

Just picked up my car from the shop. Yep, the new used engine is in and for the bargain price of $2395 it's all mine. Now just cross your fingers that it's not a junker and everything is going to be all right. Just keep telling me...it's going to be all right.

This weekend was low key and fun. Friday, I was pissy and didn't want to go out. I went out anyway only to gorge on a blackened tofu sandwich that sent me straight into a full on food comma which in turn sent me home. Saturday was spent begging rides from friends to the grocery store and a few naps. I went to a show at the fabulous 40 watt that evening with the boy, the crazy professor, and my old roommate. It was me and the sausage party (as usual) and we had a pretty good time. The music was, all in all, VERY good. The line up was as follows:

We vs. Shark
not so good...don't really like the music...one of the band members once showed up to a show the boy and I were at after we had been there for an hour or so, stood behind us, and then proceeded to bitch very loudly about how the two "tall fuckers" in front of him were blocking his view of the stage....tough shit the little toadie never went through puberty...next time show up before the "tall fuckers" and you won't have those sorts of problems...I'd also like to point out that we were in the back of the club when this happened and the little bastard had plenty of other places to stand...needless to say they could be the best music since Hendrix and I still wouldn't like them due to the aforementioned incidence...you know what they say...a woman scorned....

VERY....VERY....good....never seen them before...D.C Dischord band....definitely worth a long hard listen...so good the boy and I bought their EP at the show....VERY GOOD....the bass player was talking about their merch table and very nonchalantly slid in they were on dischord...sort of a shameless plug...if their band had sucked it would have required a bunch of heckling..."yeah, we all no your on Dischord but you ain't no Fugazi"...no heckling required which is a good thing considering that was the best heckle I could think of....

I was very resistant to this band due to the huge buzz they got around town...they too are VERY Good...they are very technical....have to be ready for quick chord changes...sort of an audio assault but in a VERY Good way...keep only catching half of their show though....third time that has happened...the crazy professor wanted to bolt and we wanted to walk home before 3 am...caught three songs and that was it...made note to self to see them in their entirety ASAP...great name for a band....

Sunday, the folks came in town. We ate burgers and drank wine and had a fine time. Turns out they are going to move back to Atlanta. This is a good surprise. I could stand to hang with the fam more than I do now. It would be good for my constitution.

Listening to: Rogue Wave


Blogger MsComrade said...

first of all, it will be all right. second of all, fuck those dudes. thirdly, you called someone toadie and that is hilarious.

happy thanksgiving!

8:29 AM

Blogger betagirl said...

Happy T-day to you too, Ms. Comrade. Your posts have been cracking me up lately but I can't think of any witty retorts so I have just been a sideline reader. I know it will be OK. The dude was/is a toadie. They boy and I did say fuck those dudes.

8:36 AM


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