utter nonsense

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I'll Have a Double Latte, Everything Bagel, and a Post, Please

Needing to recover from the shock from the repairs to my car being completed, I decided to take my time into work today. Having arrived, I have decided to blow off work this morning. Dr. Evil is out of town for the holidays but has managed to destroy my plans of cutting out early yesterday and today by giving me a deadline and by making me proctor one of his exams. Even when he's not here he manages to ruin my day. After nearly quitting and storming out of his office on Friday (long story involving me having to grade about 300 papers in 3 hours and then him telling his student how stressed out he had been all day trying to get their papers ready...aarrggghhh), I find out yesterday that all of his grant accounts are tapped dry or overdrawn and he is having to borrow departmental money to pay my self and the other researcher in my lab. Apparently, the department head has had enough of this and may cut off the borrowed money. What does that mean for me, you ask? I could be canned any day now if more money doesn't show up.

Here's my take on all of this:
1) All this not knowing if I will have a job tomorrow keeps things interesting, right?

2) Now I don't have to tell him to suck it after quitting.

3) Makes working at Barnes and Noble not sound like such a bad idea

4) I may not have to defer my acceptance into a new graduate program until next fall

5) Since my parents are moving back to Atlanta, I will have a place to go when I get the boot out of my apartment for not paying rent

All in all, I think this recent turn of events may be a good thing. Anyone know anyone who is hiring?


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