B-O-R-E-D and finding things fascinating...
My lab mates and I had enough internet surfing and decided to wander around the building complex. After we tried to steal parts off two old bikes not chained up in the back we stumbled into the Applied Isotopes building. We were greeted by a very dapper looking man who asked..."Can I help you?" I have a feeling they don't get a lot of visitors. After explaining that we weren't vagrants just bored lab techs. he started telling us about his lab and then showed us the coolest thing I have every seen in my life. Maybe that is my super science geek kicking in but it isn't every day that you get to see a machine that packs more punch than a bolt of lightening, has the ability to perform "atomic sandblasting," and has a dude working it that probably hasn't scene a girl in a couple years but runs a machine more sophisticated than the one that dated dated the Shroud of Turin. It was like Real Genius but better.
that place looks made up.
5:49 PM
If that's made up I am a monkey's uncle. What?
7:36 PM
i have no comprehension of what they do there. i even looked at the web site and got confused. too much time on north campus, i suppose.
12:13 PM
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